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Systas 4 Systas

After collaborating with another female MC, Kandi Kain (Zelda Everson) of Systahood. Sah learned about a nonprofit organization SYSTAS 4 SYSTAS, Inc. in East Orange that Kandi and her friends had started. Sah was so impressed with the work they were doing and their mission to empower young girls to take control of their destiny that she began volunteering. To date, Sah has mentored over 400 girls and facilitated over 500 workshops on topics that covered cultural awareness, economic development, health education and life skills.



iReform is an education advocacy organization whose mission is to mobilize parents, students, and community stakeholders in one purpose, substantial and sustainable improvement of student outcomes for Newark schoolchildren. As a parent, Sah has a strong desire to be involved in her children's education and the city of Newark.  In 2012, she joined iReform and became a parent leader.  As a parent leader, she has hosted several community events, attended school board meetings, and sits on several planning committees. Because of her strong leadership skills, iReform has appointed her Parent Ambassador.

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